Team Biologicall has extensive experience in training and retraining of personnel in hygiene and health, for operational activities in the pharmaceutical (GMP) and food (HACCP, BRC, IFS) in the delicate task of training and staff motivation.
Biologicall offers special training programs directed at the management and operational areas both in technical and in the development of human resources and coaching.
• Technical courses specific (hygiene, HACCP, Quality certifications, marketing, sales techniques)
• courses to learn basic techniques to Communicate

Technical courses specific (hygiene, HACCP, Quality certifications, marketing, sales techniques)
Courses to learn Basic techniques for Communicate better
Courses to better use our potential and to improve our professional performance
NLP courses and nonverbal communication
NLP courses for self-esteem and self-confidence
We support people in small, medium and large companies, as well as professionals and artisans supporting the development and, in many cases, and assist the handover and the generation change.
undertakings wishing to grow by sharing the corporate values,improve production processes, develop in all areas of the company a healthy communication and promote a proactive attitude;
to professionals who want to improve their performance to better express their talent.
people who wish to pursue a growth path aimed at developing goals (personal and / or professional);
trade associations who want to bring culture and strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, developing their potential;

A time to think about the training meant mostly to acquire technical skills and notional with which to find a job or to specialize in a few activities.
However over the years it was observed that each of us often, once they meet the basic needs, went looking for something more, a form of inner development that would enable us to feel really satisfied and happy with what we are and what we have.
Once they were very few people who think of their own personal growth, and even fewer thought that this could have an impact on our life so interesting and even on our professional skills.
But today we are facing a sea change. More and more people in the world who are concerned of their own inner development, the way we communicate with others, and the implications this has in our personal and professional lives.
Old age is no longer an age in years, but it is an age of the spirit. It is the old person, the organization, the management facing new problems with old thoughts. -
Karl Popper.
But today we are facing a sea change. More and more people in the world who are concerned of their own inner development, the way we communicate with others, and the implications this has in our personal and professional lives.
Our approach in training activities provides a motivational involvement of people
Learn to communicate and know each other better enables us to achieve greater efficiency in any type of situation and context, business and at private listening and communication, motivation, sales, trading, managing people and working groups, delegation and control personal, conflict management, problem solving and more.
How do some people achieve consistently excellent results
NLP and Coaching have allowed many successful people to achieve extraordinary results. NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming, born in the 70's at the University of Santa Cruz, California, the experience and insights of the brilliant Dr. Dr. Bandler and Grinder.
The name comes from the idea that there is a connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns learned through experience ("programming").
It is a practical discipline that brings visible results quickly because it comes from "modeling" behavior and the concrete experience of successful people.
NLP studies how humans perceive the experience as schematically organize these perceptions and give rise to such behavior.
Is also defined by many "The science of human excellence", as these schemes can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.
"When you know how to do something, it becomes easy to change. We are beings programmable. We are the only machines that can program themselves. We meta-programmable.
We can put in place automated programs deliberately targeted. If we do something we should not do that automatically, we can change to programming with.
This is not to be robots, it is to become a free spirit. To be free means to use one's conscious mind to direct our unconscious activity. "
Richard Bandler - Trance-formation.
The new PNL is addressed to those who want to improve their personal and professional life
PNL classical technique highly viable and effective over time has "evolved", itself with the man, reaching a level of more detailed study of human psychology, which actually reveals the presence of subtle textures that connecting the individual to his "collection": the man does not live in a closed system and isolated, but lives in a larger system, in which there are ethical values, and that the effect of all our actions on what surrounds us is tangible.
The old concept of GNP in connotation basically self-centered, is exceeded in order to investigate further the interactions with the "whole". We are part of an ecosystem, such as the cells of an organism, seemingly unrelated, but inextricably linked to our surroundings.
In fact it is now clear that the welfare of the person does not depend solely on the achievement of personal goals, but by effective interaction and harmony with the surrounding world.
With this expansion of perspective, the "new PNL" defined "Systemic" shifts its attention by the personal to the collective purpose, and provides valuable tools to identify their own processing capacity of making choices that are not only for their own benefit, or only "green", that is respectful of the system, but which benefit shared: for themselves, others and the environment.
And if we think about it, this is really our true essence: Bio Logic All :-)
Knowing these strategies and tools for personal growth gives the advantage of being able to "program" or rather "redirect" their behavior and ways of communication so finally aware to be really effective and achieve the desired results in all areas of our lives.
You must know what you want,
you have to take what comes.
- Chinese Proverb
Everyone can get what they want if open to development, because life is the opportunity given to us to find and express our true essence.
How to start a training course?
After a preliminary meeting at your location or at our, or on the occasion of an Open Day demonstration let the players concerned the choice to participate or not in a training program.
This allows the company to invest only on people who want to grow, creating a classroom climate conducive to learning.
They are also viable projects tailored behind a needs analysis carried out by our trainers.
Contact us to schedule an appointment and find the best solution for your company and your employees
And 'our desire to help people to evolve with the heart and mind.
We believe that the care of relationships with everything around us is the key to evolve in today's world and to achieve satisfactory results in all areas of life.
The heart, symbol of affection, of taking care of oneself and the other, is the emotional intelligence and the mind, a symbol of rationality, highlights the importance dell'accorgersi the changing reality in order to adapt their behavior in a direction that produces added value.
Together, the two symbols represent the human being in its highest expression.