FOOD SECTOR (distribution, manufacturing, catering)

Type of substrate / product to be analyzed:
- Alimony
- Raw materials and finished products
- Fresh
- Frozen foods
- Preserved
- Detergents
- Surfaces of foods
- Surfaces of equipment
- Water
- Air

Type of analysis:
1. Chemical
- Residue analysis (pesticides, mycotoxins, PCBs, dioxins, heavy metals, solvents).
- Proximate analysis (moisture, fat, ash, protein, fiber, carbohydrates).
- Sugars, fatty acid composition, sterol composition, additives (colorants, preservatives, flavorings, etc.), allergens, collagen, histamine, phosphates, sulfur dioxide, etc.
- Peroxide index, refractive index, acidity, UV spectrophotometry oil.
2. Microbiological
- Total bacterial count, Enterobacteriaceae, staphylococci, lactic acid bacteria, total coliforms and thermotolerant, E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, enterococci, yeasts and molds, sulphite-reducing anaerobes, etc.,
- evidence of effective fungicide and bactericide of detergents and disinfectants,
- Research of solid impurities (Light filth test) on food matrices (cereals and dairy products, spices, canned tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.).
- Analysis by PCR and Real-time PCR: Detection of species of animals and plants, identification of pathogenic microorganisms in food and water, research of GMOs (screening for the main sequence markers), allergens (nuts, shellfish, crustaceans, etc. ).
- Analysis immune-enzyme (ELISA): allergens, staphylococcal enterotoxin.
3. Comparative analysis and qualitative
- Descriptions of the organoleptic characteristics of one or more products for comparison, with assessments relating to production technologies.
- Panel tests, taste tests
- Examination inspection, test firing, etc.
4. Development and validation of new analytical methods
Please contact us for a quote or for advice on the analysis to be made about your products